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Showing posts from June, 2019

Anatomy and physiology of middle ear

      ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF MIDDLE EAR  The middle ear is and air filled cavity connected to the back of the Nose bt along , thin tube called Eustachian tube . The middle ear space three bones , The HAMMER , ANVIL and STAPES . The outer wall of the middle ear is the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE   , and inner ear wall is the COCHLEA. TYMPANIC MEMBRANE :  The external audiotary meatus ends at the TM or ear drum , which angled at 55 degree to the canal. Tympanic membrane is firmly attached to the tympanic sulcus. Almost tranpsrent membrane with average thickness of only about 0.074 mm. It is slightly taller (about 0.9 to 1.0 cm ) , than it is wide about 0.8 to 0.9 cm . The tympanic membrane is connected to the malleus which is the first [art of the middle ear bones. OSSICULAR CHAIN: Three tiny bones known as Ossicles ot the Ossicular chain  transmit the sound induced vibration of the Tympanic membrane to the cochlea via the oval window . The ossicles are the smallest bones

Anatomy and Physiology of OUTER Ear

              ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF OUTER EAR Hearing is one of the major sense and is important for communication . The function of ear is to convert physical vibration into an encoded nervous impulse. The ears are praised organ , one on each side of the head with organ itself , which is technically the Temporal Bones. The conductive mechanism is divided into three parts , An OUTER EAR , MIDDLE AND INNER EAR . OUTER EAR    Outer ear is divided into two parts : PINNA and EXTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL PINNA : The Pinna is that part which protudes from the side of the skull made of cartilage covered by skin , collects sound and channels it into the ear sounds that comes from in front more than from behind and is helpful in localizing sounds. FUNCTION OF PINNA : The visible portion that is commonly refferedto as "the ear". Help localize sound sources. Each individual pinna creates a distinctive imprint on the acoustic wave travelling into the Auditory can